As Above, So Below: Principles of Hermeticism

As Above, So Below: Principles of Hermeticism

Hermes Trismegistus is a prominent figure behind the hermetic philosophy—the figure plays a vital role in Greek and Egyptian tradition. The former personality is the culmination of two distinct parts of the world and provides a common foundation for hermetic philosophy or hermeticism. 

One of the most common phrases that can be seen in the hermetic philosophy is, ‘As above, so below,’ which indicates the relationship of rules, principles, morals, virtues, and other phenomenological factors across the different planes of existence. 

The ideal hermetic philosophy believes in the spiritual world and its embodiment in individual lives. Thus, one needs to understand the basic principles of Hermeticism, which are derived from the teachings of Hermes Trismegistus in the ancient Kybalion text. 

Principles of Hermeticism

Hermeticism revolves around seven highlighting principles. Even though there is a lot of wisdom in hermetic text, the following ones are of the most prominent importance among philosophers and truth seekers. 


Mentalism in hermeticism explains the intelligent nature of the universe. It represents the fine-tuning of the universe and is a product of a design capable of thinking like ours but far more superior. 


The correspondence in the hermetic philosophy signifies the relation of events across the different planes of existence. Whether it’s spiritual or material, all things and beings are related to one another and have as much significance as possible in their existence. On top of that, the resemblance is quite evident as well when we talk about objective reality. 


Everything in the universe, from the subatomic level to the centre of a black hole, is in motion. It could be vibrational or any other form, but the point is that these vibrations, even at a psychic level like thoughts, emotions, and feelings, have a noteworthy impact on the world around us. 


The principle of polarity is fascinating as it explains the dual nature of matter in the universe. Moreover, the extremes are nothing but two points that meet in one circle, so there are no truths but instances of it. 


The rhythmic principle of hermeticism signifies that everything in the universe movies in a uniform pattern and ceases to exist accordingly. There are no outliers or exceptions to this, as everything is tuned to the laws of nature or the universe. 

Cause and Effect In Hermeticism

Cause and effect suggest that everything needs something to occur, as not a thing in the universe happens by chance. For example, an individual needs his parents to exist, and this goes for the parents as well. On top of that, every cause needs an effect, and every effect has a reason. 


The gender principle points out the masculine and feminine energy present in the universe. Both of these are necessary and fundamental aspects of existence as far as human beings are concerned. 

Final Thoughts On Principles of Hermeticism

Hermetic philosophy, rooted in Greek and Egyptian tradition, emphasizes the relationship of rules, principles, morals, and virtues across different planes of existence. It revolves around seven principles —correspondence, vibration, polarity, rhythm, cause and effect, and gender. 

These principles emphasize the importance of the spiritual world and its embodiment in individual lives, emphasizing the importance of understanding the universe’s laws and patterns.

Frequently Ask Questions (FAQs)

What is hermetic philosophy?

The most fundamental principle of hermetic philosophy is that the existence of God is one and one in all. 

What is the famous line of Hermes?

“Let no fear of death or darkness arrest its course. Allow the mind to merge with the Mind. Let it flow out upon the great curve of consciousness. Let it soar on the wings of the great bird of duration, up to the very Circle of Eternity.”

What is the concept of As above, so below?

The concept of as above so below signifies that whatever happens in the higher realms of existence resembles one happening in the lower realms. 

What does Hermes Trismegistus quote as within so without meaning?

It means that whatever you are outside by nature is the same as you are inside in the soul.  

Read More About Hermeticism

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