Our blog page features the latest articles across the different niches of the website. Not only that, but the accessible navigation design features seamless browsing across the platform. We publish in different categories you can find interesting based on your interests.
We also feature stories from our readers, so don’t hesitate to reach us if you have a story to tell.
Different Categories
Here is the list of the various categories across which our platform publishes:
Our journeys describe the best of our experiences in life, and that’s why our travel sections feature some of our most promising and subjective works.
The second category in the blog features book discussion and ideas around the published work.
Science And Technology
Time Lenz platform also covers the latest advancements in science and technology to provide objectivity on the forum.
Philosophy | Culture | Visual Arts
The remaining three categories revolve around the culture and the embedded philosophy of our visual arts, especially storytelling.
1. Philosophy is similar to book discussions on our website. However, one significant difference is that our philosophical blogs focus more on the idea than its literature in general.
2. Culture revolves around storytelling across movies and shows that carry the message in actual art forms.
3. Visual arts discusses the art form in our video games genre, which is highly underappreciated in our lives. The power of storytelling in games should be heavily debated, and that’s why we provide an in-depth analysis of the games which might have been part of our lives at some stage.
Animal Farm is one of the most famous books by George Orwell besides 1984. Published in 1945, the book is an allegory to the formulation of the Soviet Union. Even being a socialist, George Orwell has deconstructed the communist philosophy to its roots and given a satirical account of the events that unfolded during the […]
Animal Farm: Satirical Allegory of Soviet Union Read More »
Introduction A Moveable Feast is the memoir of Ernest Hemingway, one of the greatest writers of the last generation. The letter format of the book explores the journey of Hemingway as a struggling journalist in Paris, France and eventually his journey as a beginner storyteller. The book features his memories of great writers like F.
A Moveable Feast, Hemingway’s Tale Read More »
British Empire was one of the largest empires to ever exist on the face of the world. The region expanded for almost a century before its downfall in 1947. George Orwell, one of the most famous advocates for socialism and a profound writer, wrote Burmese Days in 1934; his first novel emphasised the living conditions
Burmese Days: Hidden Truths of the British Empire Read More »
Introduction Dystopian novels have been one of the most celebrated pieces of literature among readers across the globe. Both George Orwell and Aldous Huxley’s works are celebrated worldwide for their dystopian themes and genius predictions for the future. Orwell’s 1984 and Huxley’s Brave New World contrast their understanding of humanity’s future based on the twentieth
1984 or Brave New World: Our Dystopian Fate? Read More »
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich is a fictional book by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn describing people’s living conditions in Soviet labour camps. The book’s publishing in 1961 displayed the hidden evils of a corrupt system and state. Because of this, the book was banned while turning the state against Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and his fellow
One Day in The Life of Ivan Denisovich: Eternity in Repetition Read More »
Almost every gamer has played The Last of Us. The original game came in 2013 on Play Station 3, and since then, there have been multiple remastered versions for PS4 and PS5. Although divided by the fans, the second part of the game was also a financial success for the publishers. In early 2023, HBO
What Makes Last of Us a Great Story? Read More »