Bertrand Russell’s Liberal And Spectacular Take In Why Men Fight?

Why Men Fight

“War grows out of ordinary human nature.”

Bertrand Russell, Why Men Fight

Basic Premises Of The Book

Bertrand Russell’s collective essays and takes compiled in the book Why Men Fight focus on the fundamental aspects of human nature and rationale. The title is divided into many parts, where Russell breaks down the most basic ideas of warfare and how it is a great evil in the world. Racism, partitions, patriotism and many other factors play an essential role in developing a collective consciousness against other groups, which are usually exploited during combat, and the result is usually disaster.

Everything About War Is Evil

In the essay, Bertrand discusses how everything about war is terrible, and there is just no positive of it. Even if there is a noble cause for war, it makes it less evil, but in no circumstance is it suitable for anyone. Talented people like scientists, artists, and engineers lose their lives in wars fought in the name of their tribes or nations. As a result, it is a loss for the whole of humanity that such remarkable and outstanding people are taken away from their respective societies.

Being a pacifist, Russell hopes to emphasise the great evils of war and ensure that people don’t try to indulge in and see the great horrors of it. 

The Society’s Reform

The other chapters include some fundamental reforms regarding education, population, women’s role in society and, most importantly, the influence of religion in the country. Bertrand heavily criticises all these different norms and standards for the time as he believes that a significant change needs to occur in all these various predicaments of the times for better development of society. 

Predicaments Of The Time

The world is a different place, and one can only attempt to explain the present by looking at the past in the book. Some things might be wrong, but it seemed fair enough for a thinker. However, it’s not wrong to say that each decision, thing, or idea needs to be carefully assessed to know its worst possible outcomes. And that’s why Russell questions different facets of society at the time. 

Pacifism In The Modern World

Can you be a pacifist in a modern world? It is a simple question, yet its answers can be pretty complicated. It’s hard to stay put when the enemy is on the verge of attack, and it does not seem like a realist approach. On top of that, theoretically, many ideas seem perfect, but that’s the beauty of scientific or rational explanation—it has to work practically. And so far, pacifism hasn’t worked for people because it’s not an option during an outbreak. 

Discussion On Society In Why Men Fight?

Additionally, many different fundamental aspects of society are discussed in the book, which is quite interesting to read as it opens a different worldview against traditional institutions. Things like education and religion are heavily criticised, and their role in moulding the consciousness of the community is also heavily concerned by the author. As a result, some different ways and ideas are given in retrospect to the existing. 

Test Of Time For Why Men Fight?

There are a lot of predictions and future guessing made by the author in the book’s compilation; however, not all of them stand the test of time since there are a lot of points which one can disapprove or make a case against. Nonetheless, it is a thinking project which questions some of the essential facets of the human condition during the last century and works on improving the situation today.


A person unfamiliar with Bertrand Rusell’s work should check out ‘Why Men Fight,’ as it will open doors to new ideas and a critical way of thinking about ordinary human life. However, we can learn a lot from this book. This might not be a good read for everyone, but it is a must-read for people studying human nature and philosophy.

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