The Surprisingly Beautiful Story of God of War Ragnarök

The Surprisingly Beautiful Story of God of War Ragnarök

God of War Ragnarök is the second game in the famous reboot of the original PlayStation classic. It is made on the new engine and has all the flashy graphics and interactive mechanics which you can expect from any high-end PlayStation game. However, it’s not the graphics or gameplay which makes the rebooted God of War a gem of the game. It’s the story and the excellence of the narration throughout the two games.

Kratos the protagonist of the original series has a new home after the events of the previous games. He’s now more mature and has a family. But the story does not revolve around his life but of his son and their adventures of fighting fate. Without going into much detail and spoilers, let’s look at some of the astonishing details about God of War Ragnarök.

Key Highlights

  • God of War Ragnarök is the reboot of the original PlayStation classic.
  • Made on the new engine with flashy graphics, set in Norse mythology
  • One of the best endings where one can find satisfaction.
  • The game leaves room for more titles and stories while having a proper ending.

God Of War Ragnarök: Visual Art With Twists

Single-player games are visually appealing, story-driven adventures in the virtual world. But sometimes, there is more to the plot as the brilliant storytelling of God Of War proves that games can be more than combat and gameplay.

The different twists in the story capture the attention of the individual and also enlighten about the myths of the time. Since the story is set in Norse mythology there are questions about the different perspectives of normal people about the stories. 

A Long Tale Of Mytholigcal Secrets

Norse mythology is very complicated and there is not a lot of literature on the same. The two major books—Prose Edda and Poetic Edda are the only source available and thus it’s challenging to curate a fictional story around it. However, the writers at Santa Monica Studio did their absolute best to insert their fictional stance in the original writings of the time. And it paid off as the story made sense when you removed the main character (Atreus) from the original timeline. 

The Deserving Fate of Kratos 

Kratos, the Ghost of Sparta had a tough and challenging life in the prior series but in the present, his struggles to be the person for his son are a centre point. The dynamic of the father-son relationship is the pivotal point in the further development of the story and its characters. 

At the same time, there are tons of characters whose arcs add a lot of gravitas to the original plot making you feel for the side characters and quests as well. 

Problems With Storytelling

The only issue which one can find annoying in the game is the gameplay. No, not in the mechanical sense but the frequency of combats. You have to fight a lot and throughout the game, things become repetitive and not fun in general. Now, it can be a subjective issue since one can be bad at the game but it makes the game look stiff at various points. 

An Epic Conclusion

Apart from some hindrances in the frequent gameplay, God of War Ragnarök has one of the best endings where one can find satisfaction. Not only that, the game leaves room for more titles and stories while having a proper ending. So, if you don’t want to touch the game again, you’ll be pleased with the story. 

The Next Big Adventure In Series

Now, there is no announcement regarding the upcoming games in the series, but it’s hardly believable that it is the end. The Norse adventure of the Kratos might be over but there is a lot more the series can offer. So, all you need to do is wait and hope that Kratos’s next big tale is soon to be made. 

Final Words

God of War Ragnarök is an epic game and passes every criterion which is necessary for making a big title. The story delivers in every aspect with a satisfactory ending. On top of that the visuals of the game are second to none. 

Maybe this was the last game in the series, and even if it is the case, the team at Santa Monica Studios did the finest job of delivering a deserving ending for one of the most beloved characters in PlayStation history—Kratos. 

Frequently Ask Questions

When will Ragnarok come to PC?

There is no specific date for God of War Ragnarök release on PC, however, some unverified sources suggest that it can be between 2024 and 2025.

Is Ragnarok better than God of War?

There is no comparison between the two as both games are independent titles but are related to making sense of each other, story-wise.

How long to beat Ragnarok?

It will take around 20 hours to complete God of War Ragnarök. But if you want to complete the full game it might take around 60 hours.

Is God of War Ragnarok the last one?

Yes,  God of War Ragnarök is the last game set in Norse mythology. However, the title will have new games as the series progresses in new settings and plots. 

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