The Breakthrough by Daphne Du Maurie

The Breakthrough by Daphne Du Maurie

The Breakthrough by Daphne Du Maurie is a fictional short story about solving immortality. The story begins in the middle of nowhere and it can be quite confusing for the reader. However, as the story progresses a person can get the idea about the plot—which is very dark, nihilistic and scientific for the time. 

Also, the book features different characters which are not thoroughly explored in the book. It might be because of the short length of the book. Still, the book has a readable plot, however, it is not for everyone. Even though the book has good reviews, many people do not like the original plot because of its ambiguity. 

The Breakthrough by Daphne Du Maurie
Book Cover

The Breakthrough by Daphne Du Maurie

The book opens with a scene or scenario with one of the main characters. Then the plot shifts towards the main theme. However, it takes a lot of time for a person to get an idea about what’s going on. Not only that, the theme of the story has great potential but the ending does not seem to give justice to the plot. 

Dispatch the maimed, the old, the weak, destroy the very world itself, for what is the point of life if the promise of fulfilment lies elsewhere?

It can be due to the length of the book or maybe the writer was exhausted and wanted to wind things up. Nevertheless, the story has a moral dilemma where the main character gets the answer which was not something he anticipated. 

Reading The Breakthrough by Daphne Du Maurie

The story is short but a bit difficult to read as not a lot of details are provided by the author. Additionally, the style of writing is also very different and might cause a lot of confusion in the minds of the reader. 

Moral Dilemma

The book revolves around the question of death and immortality. Also, the struggle of a team who is looking for answers. After countless attempts to get behind the mystery of life, the protagonists were left shattered and back to where they started. 

Potential In Story

The story had great potential, however, in the end, the reader might not be wholly satisfied. And not because of the way things end but because of the potentiality of the plot, whose proper exploration was missing throughout the novel. 

Final Thoughts: The Breakthrough by Daphne Du Maurie

The Breakthrough by Daphne Du Maurie is a short, dark, nihilistic, and scientific short story about solving immortality. The story has potential but lacks proper exploration, leading to confusion and potential disappointment for readers. The main character faces a moral dilemma, and the story’s potential is not fully realized due to the lack of proper exploration.

Lastly, the book is not for everyone as most people may find it boring and not a well-written script. However,r if you’re a fan of scientific mysteries and thrillers, then you can check out the book. Plus, it does not take much time to completely finish the plot. 

Frequently Ask Questions(FAQs)

What is the breakthrough Daphne du Maurier about?

The Breakthrough by Daphne Du Maurie is about a scientist who attempts to solve the question of death. 

How long does it take to read the breakthrough?

It is a relatively short story and it takes about two hours to finish the book from start to end. 

What is the hidden message of Daphne du Maurier in the Breakthrough?

The hidden message of Daphne du Maurier is the inability of human beings to be satisfied with being mortal and the nihilist possibility of immortality. 

Why is Daphne du Maurier influential?

Yes, Daphne Du Maurier was an influential figure, especially for her gothic and horror literary works, which were made into different series. 

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