Svalbard Is A Fascinating Northernmost Place In The World

Svalbard Is A Fascinating Northernmost Place In The World

The North Pole is one of the closest places on Earth and is not inhabited. However, almost 930 Km from it lies Svalbard—an archipelago between the North Pole and Norway. The Longyear City Svalbard is one of the major administrative as well as residential areas in the region. So, let’s look at the fascinating northernmost place in the world and its unique features. 

Longyear City Svalbard

Longyearbyen is a province home to over 2400 residents from 50 different countries in Svalbard. The place is covered in snow most of the year and is home to a few species of animals like arctic foxes and polar bears. 

Svalbard was discovered by Willem Barentsz in 1596 and was one of the significant hubs of coal mining. It was only recently that the place shut down its coal mines and is moving towards other means of sustainability, like tourism. 

Demographics Of Svalbard

Svalbard is not a big place as there are limited resources for everyday life. Plus, the living conditions are also not promising for the average life. But still, people live in the area and thrive through hard work and discipline.

Notable places in Svalbard.

  • University Centre in Svalbard.
  • The currency is the Norwegian Krone.
  • Longyearbyen is the largest town.
  • Sixty per cent of the population is native Norwegians. 

Sun Doesn’t Set In Longyear City Svalbard

The “Midnight Sun” is one of the most recognisable phenomena in Svalbard. During summer, the place has Sun for 24 hours, meaning it does not set, and one can capture the sunlight at midnight.

The reason for the Sun during the night is that the Earth’s axis tilts towards the star during summer. Thus, the people who travel to Svalbard during the summer face sleep disturbances. 

The Midnight Of Polar Winters

Similar to the continuous Sun in summer—the winters of Svalbard consist of long nights, without Sun for days. And during this prolonged period, people can witness the Northern lights. Additionally, since the place is secluded and pollutant-free, it is one of the best for stargazing and astrophotography.  

Interesting Things About Longyearbyen

There are plenty of exciting things about Longyearbyen. First, its history revolves around coal and other industrial projects. Second, the region is so close to the North Pole that it is a milestone for people living there. 

The harsh conditions on top of dangerous animals like Polar bears make it necessary for people to learn and carry arms. Lastly, the streets are numbered instead of names, which makes it fascinating to find your way around. 

The University Centre in Svalbard

This particular centre offers biology, geology, and physics courses to students. 

Known For Coal Mining

Unfortunately, all the coal mines of Svalbard are closed and preserved for historical and cultural reasons. 

Beware Of Polar Bears

There are plenty of polar bears in the area, making it dangerous to roam without preparations or guidance. 

Polar Bears


Svalbard, located 930 km from the North Pole, is a fascinating northernmost place with Longyear City Svalbard, home to over 2400 residents from 50 countries. 

As Willem Barentsz discovered in 1596, Svalbard was once a hub for coal mining but now focuses on tourism. 

The region is known for its unique features, such as the “Midnight Sun” and the “Long Polar Winters.”

Frequently Ask Question (FAQs)

Does anyone live in Svalbard?

Yes, over 2500 hundred people live in Svalbard from different parts of Europe and the world. 

What is the main city in Svalbard?

Longyearbyen is the central administrative province in Svalbard.

Is Svalbard cheap?

No, Svalbard is not cheap, but the cost of transporting there is high. Plus, there are not a lot of places where you can buy your everyday stuff. 

Does Svalbard have a government?

Yes, the archipelago comes under the Norwegian government’s administration. 

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