How Light Pollution Impacts Everyday Life?

How Light Pollution Impacts Everyday Life?

Pollution comes in different types and can affect the environment in a number of ways. One form of pollution is excess light at night, which can also do a lot of harm. So, let’s take a look at light pollution’s impacts, which are pretty harmful to the general well-being of human lives and even the environment. 

Light Pollution Impacts And Overview

Light pollution is the excessive use of external lightning at night, which is a waste of energy and a toll on the environment. Plenty of studies suggest the effects of light at night on both humans and animals. But let’s first take a look at the type of light pollution. 

Types of Light Pollution

There are four main types of light pollution, all pivotal to the phenomenon. The first is skyglow, which is the brightening of the night sky with excessive light. The second is glare, which is the culmination of bright lights at well-lit spots like Times Square. 

Light trespass is basically light coming out of surroundings that can cause a lot of hindrance in one’s routine and life. At last, there is the clutter type of light pollution, which forms when two or more light sources merge to form a bigger unit. 

  • Skyglow
  • Glare
  • Light Trespass
  • Clutter

Effects On Human Health

There are several effects of light pollution on human health as well. And even though the consequences take time to build, it’s no surprise that they can be adverse. 

Problems like insomnia, mental health issues and chronic illnesses like diabetes can be traced to light pollution. So, make sure to reduce light in your house during sleep to find more comfort and relaxation. 

  • Disrupted Sleep Patterns
  • Increased Risk of Chronic Illnesses
  • Impact on Mental Health

Hindrance To Astronomical Studies And Photography

Astrophotography is one of the most important domains of astronomy, which opens the doors of the universe to ordinary people. Not only that, but the beauty of the night sky is becoming devoid of human eyes every day due to light pollution. 

It’s nearly impossible to watch stars in the city. Still, now even the remote areas are not safe due to different light sources. 

Impacts On Nature And Environment

Nature also faces the consequences of light pollution, as it is not natural light. So, both flora and fauna get confused with this artificial light—light pollution impacts migration patterns by causing disorientation in animals. On top of that, the waste energy costs ordinary citizens who are paying their bills. 

  • Disorientation of Nocturnal Animals
  • Effect on Migratory Patterns
  • Disruption of Reproductive Cycles
  • Climate Change
  • Waste of Resources

Strategies Against Light Pollution Impacts

After a brief look at light pollution and its relative problems, let’s examine measures that can be taken on both individual and authority levels. First and foremost, smart lighting can save money and energy, resulting in a lower level of light pollution. Also, creating awareness in communities will help to enlighten people about the issue. 

  • Implementation of Smart Lighting
  • Adoption of Light Pollution Ordinances
  • Community Awareness and Involvement

Wrapping Up!

Light pollution, a form of excessive use of external lighting at night, has harmful effects on human health, the environment, and wildlife. Human health issues include insomnia, mental health issues, and chronic illnesses like diabetes. 

Light pollution also disrupts migration patterns, disrupts reproductive cycles, and contributes to climate change. Finally, strategies to combat light pollution include bright lighting, the adoption of pollution ordinances, and community awareness.

Frequently Ask Questions (FAQs)

What are the four effects of light pollution?

The four effects of light pollution on the human body are:

  • Obesity
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Diabetes

Why does light pollution affect the environment?

Some animal species, like sea turtles and birds, get lost in the environment due to excessive light at night. 

What are the ten leading causes of light pollution?

The ten leading causes of light pollution are: 

  • Cities 
  • Outdoor lights 
  • Streetlights 
  • Electronic advertising 
  • Parking lots 
  • Sports lighting 
  • Greenhouses 
  • Vehicles
  • Satellites
  • Factories

How does light pollution affect the economy?

Light pollution affects the economy as it is the outcome of the extra energy that can be saved at night. 

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