Coming Up For Air By George Orwell

Coming Up For Air By George Orwell

George Orwell’s, ‘Coming Up For Air’ is a great novel depicting middlemen’s lives during the World War II crisis. In the book, the war is yet to start and our protagonist, who was a participant in World War I, travels to his home town after two decades of separation. Unfortunately, he finds that the place he was looking for is long gone as most of the place was turned into something not recognizable.

Orwell explores the different shades of middle-class life with his witty and sarcastic analysis of the character’s life. It is one of those books which has less to say but a lot to think about. Secondly, Orwell’s dark humour way to portrays the most complex situation with an easy tone helping the reader to enjoy the story. 

Coming Up For Air By George Orwell
Book Cover

A Middle-Class Satire: Coming Up For Air 

The protagonist of the book is a middle-class salesman for an insurance firm who gets some bonus for his work. However, he decided to hide it from his family (spouse and two children) to take a trip down memory lane. 

“Coming Up For Air, But There Isn’t Any Air.”

As our hero travels to his old home, he finds some recognizable but old faces which truly showcase the plot of the story. On top of that, the place where he should go fishing growing up, was also not there. Lastly, he returns home as there some a blast of air strike in the town. Plus, he received an S.O.S. message from his wife. 

An Ordinary Life in Upcoming War

George Bowling had an ordinary life, earning as a life insurance salesman, with a wife and two kids. However, he was not the fittest and was turning into an old, fat figure. But he didn’t care a lot about it as the rise of fascism in Germany was the only thing which was alarming to him. Being a soldier in World War I, he was shocked to see the banners, slogans, and marches, knowing that it all ended in blood and destruction.

A Middle-Class Escape From Family

One day, he gets a bonus which he decides to keep from his wife, Hilda. Therefore, he decided to visit his birth town to relive the memories. Little did he know that his beloved town was changed and no one there recognized him—even the places felt different. After his return, Hilda finds that his husband lied and his middle-class life continues. 

Struggles of the Protagonist in Coming Up For Air

The protagonist of the book is not an idea, he’s a smart person and learned a lot during his time. However, he was fed up with his life and the troubles only increased when the news of the coming war broke out. Tired and helpless he wanted to spend some alone time roaming his town—it was a pretty big thing for an ordinary man. Later in the book, one can relate to him on a variety of issues whether it’s economic or societal. 

Final Thoughts: Coming Up For Air 

Orwell’s observant writing paired with satire is something to cherish in the book. The ability of the author to send a message with such a simple story is genuinely fascinating. Thus, Coming Up For Air is a highly recommended title for George Orwell fans. 

Frequently Ask Questions (FAQs)

What is the book coming up for air about?

Coming Up for Air is a book by George Orwell, a satire depicting a middle-class man’s struggles and his simple aspirations. 

Where is coming up for air set?

Coming Up for Air is set in London, however, there are plenty of different places which the character explores. 

Who was George Orwell’s wife?

George Orwell was married to Eileen Blair (1936-45) and Sonia Orwell (1949-50). 

How long does it take to finish the book?

It takes 4-5 hours to finish the book at the average reader’s pace. 

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