Our blog page features the latest articles across the different niches of the website. Not only that, but the accessible navigation design features seamless browsing across the platform. We publish in different categories you can find interesting based on your interests.
We also feature stories from our readers, so don’t hesitate to reach us if you have a story to tell.
Different Categories
Here is the list of the various categories across which our platform publishes:
Our journeys describe the best of our experiences in life, and that’s why our travel sections feature some of our most promising and subjective works.
The second category in the blog features book discussion and ideas around the published work.
Science And Technology
Time Lenz platform also covers the latest advancements in science and technology to provide objectivity on the forum.
Philosophy | Culture | Visual Arts
The remaining three categories revolve around the culture and the embedded philosophy of our visual arts, especially storytelling.
1. Philosophy is similar to book discussions on our website. However, one significant difference is that our philosophical blogs focus more on the idea than its literature in general.
2. Culture revolves around storytelling across movies and shows that carry the message in actual art forms.
3. Visual arts discusses the art form in our video games genre, which is highly underappreciated in our lives. The power of storytelling in games should be heavily debated, and that’s why we provide an in-depth analysis of the games which might have been part of our lives at some stage.
The Art of War is an ancient book by one of the most famous Chinese strategists and military generals, Sun Tzu, regarded as one of the most influential works of writings on combat and war tactics; the book is massive wisdom. On top of that, numerous iterations of the original text made it famous across all […]
Art of War by Sun Tzu Read More »
Robinson Crusoe is a book written in 1719 by Daniel Defoe. It is autobiographical fiction of the main character, ‘Robinson Crusoe’. The story follows Robinson Crusoe, a man stranded on an island for over 28 years. During his time on the island, Crusoe reflects on his life and ultimately discovers the truth about the human
Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe Read More »
Albert Camus’s “The Outsider” is a brilliantly written novel that deals with the questions of existentialism and the norms of society when dealing with a situation that doesn’t fit the rules of the game called life. Meursault was an employee in a local company.
The Outsider by Albert Camus Read More »
My first read of John Steinbeck, Of Men and Mice is everything you would expect from such a remarkable author. It’s a sad, heartbreaking American dream that comes into words. The story follows the life of two workers looking for a job on farms in California.
Of Mice and Men: Brutality of the Reality Read More »
Horizon Zero Dawn is a PlayStation-exclusive title from early 2017 with great design and exciting storytelling. The open-world title has excellent scenes, immersive gameplay and a fantastic dystopian story with a lot of character development. Moreover, the open world experience is one of a kind, with different terrains all meant for exploring. It is a
Horizon Zero Dawn: Everything a Video Game Should Have Read More »
The Myth of Sisyphus is an extended essay by Albert Camus that discusses the human condition and existence. However, Camus is not an existential writer, and his philosophy needs to emphasise more reasoning and meaning. According to Camus, the universe is meaningless, and human beings try to find meaning and give a reason for their
The Myth of Sisyphus: Camus’s Case Against Suicide Read More »
Introduction Crime and Punishment is the most horrific and brilliant literature of 19th-century Russia. Regarded as one of the most significant writers of all time, Fyodor Dostoevsky was a major critique of utopian vision embedded in nihilism and the bending of traditional moral virtues. Crime and Punishment are so deep that it’s impossible to assess
Crime and Punishment: Death, Rebirth and Liberation Read More »