Anuj Gautam

Hello, my name is Anuj, and I am the founder of Time Lenz. As a full-time storyteller, I offer valuable insights to readers through my novels in various genres and articles on the Time Lenz platform. My main objective is to provide exceptional storytelling that explores truth and meaning through discussions on books, history, philosophy, science, and exploration.

What's Next After The 4th Global Coral Bleaching?

What’s Next After The 4th Global Coral Bleaching?

Coral reefs are one of the most crucial aspects of the ocean and marine life. These hold everything together and prevent erosion of the entire ecosystem. However, when the water is too warm, these corals expel their algae. This leads to their whitening or bleaching, thus jeopardizing their healthy life and increasing the chances of

What’s Next After The 4th Global Coral Bleaching? Read More »

The Interesting Theory Of Morphic Resonance By Rupert Sheldrake

The Interesting Theory Of Morphic Resonance By Rupert Sheldrake

The theory of Morphic Resonance was proposed by Rupert Sheldrake in 1981. It presents a holistic view of nature where a collective memory binds the different living organisms around the world. Also, no matter the location or time, a particular organism has access to this information, which is essential for its survival. 

The Interesting Theory Of Morphic Resonance By Rupert Sheldrake Read More »

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