How The Present Civilization Lost Its Sense Of Awe

How The Present Civilization Lost Its Sense Of Awe

Civilization has come a long way from building tools from rock to sending rockets into deep space. However, the majority of the population is still struggling with different conflicts or is lost to technology. As a result, people are not appreciating the things that not only gave a sense of awe but orchestrated the entire human generation for centuries. So, let’s see how civilization got lost with the onset of technology and lingered into endless content addiction.

The Overload Of Information & Digital Distractions

Today, the world is full of information. Every device, application or online source is a medium for it. This has increased exposure to media in individuals who are then incapable of connecting with nature. Not only that, the impact of instant access to knowledge results in the death of mystery. 

COnsuming information

People are no longer fascinated by finding something since it’s all on the Internet. Long gone are the days when people used to search for the meaning of words in a dictionary. It gave them a sense of satisfaction in doing something meaningful. However, limitless entertainment has now made people less curious. No one is excited about anything until it concerns their own life. 

Scientific Advancement Are Not The Answer to Everything

Science is the language that describes natural phenomena. It is the way civilization finds answers to the most mysterious questions of the universe. However, most people do not appreciate the gifts of science, while some use science to explain everything. It has resulted in reducing the wonder of looking at the stars at night and wondering about life. 

Large array

Rationalization is a great way to navigate through the questions that life poses. However, the over rationalization can reduce human experiences which are beyond the physical space of existence. Suppose you’re doing everything according to the rationale; then you’re no different than a biological machine that is instructed for a specific purpose. Also, there are still a lot of questions that are beyond the capabilities of scientific explanation, which can give people a sense of awe. 

The Urbanization Of Human Life

People are living life at a fast pace, meaning they have no time to connect with nature. Human beings are part of the environment and need a breath of fresh air along with the chirping noises of birds. However, it’s not possible in any modern city. They might be the pinnacle of civilization but are nothing more than a blend of bland construction paired with unhealthy living. 

Urbanization of human life

You can no longer see stars in the high intensity of light pollution. Moreover, most people don’t even bother or care to look above their heads as they are busy staring at screens. Even travelling nowadays is a way to make videos to post for reactions on social media. As a result, no act or deed is without seeking validation from others. It’s like an endless loop, which is very hard to leave. 

The Commodification of Experience

Products are an essential aspect of life, but there are limits to everything. The same goes for the consumer culture, which is developing around the world. Big companies sell products and services that are great, but that doesn’t mean that you can capitalize on everything. Moreover, it’s an underlying principle behind the idea of simulating real-life experiences. Finally, such simulation and fake experiences throughout products or services only result in one’s capability of experiencing profound moments. 

The Decline Of Spiritual & Philosophical Curiosity

Faith and different religions were the backbone of most of the crucial civilizations in the world. However, as time passes, the world is moving towards attaining dominion over the material aspects. In this way, people forget their roots, values, and norms, which have carried generations towards prosperity. It’s like an old saying, “If people stand for nothing, they will fall for everything.”

  • Pragmatism.
  • Materialist worldviews. 
  • Decline of religious values/practices

The big questions like God, creation, and purpose inspired a sense of awe in individuals. However, this is not the case among the younger generations as they are occupied with endless scrolling on the internet. On top of that, it also reduces one’s time to ponder on the existential mysteries. 

Reawakening Sense Of Awe In Your Life With 8 Steps

After learning about the reasons that stagnate one’s mind and reduce a sense of awe, let’s look at the ways by which you can gain control of your life and get inspired by it. Again, through these ways, you can appreciate life to an extent where everything serves as a purpose for your growth and maturity. 

  1. Practicing mindfulness and slowing down.
  2. Question the very premise of life.
  3. Reconnecting with nature and the cosmos.
  4. Leaving mobile phones/reducing screen-on time.
  5. Reading the best fiction literature from the past. 
  6. Cultivating curiosity through philosophy, art, and science.
  7. Seeking out the unknown instead of fearing it.
  8. Learn about various religions. 

Key Takeaways From The Article

  • The world is filled with information, leading to a lack of connection with nature and the death of mystery.
  • The internet has made people less curious, leading to a decrease in interest in personal life.
  • Science, the language of natural phenomena, is often used to explain everything, reducing the wonder of the universe.
  • Over-rationalization can reduce human experiences beyond the physical space of existence, reducing the awe of the universe.
  • Modern cities have become a blend of bland construction and unhealthy living, reducing the connection with nature.
  • High light pollution and constant seeking validation from others have led to an endless loop of seeking validation.
  • Big companies sell products and services, but they limit the potential of real-life experiences.
  • The idea of simulating real-life experiences through products or services only results in the capability of experiencing profound moments.
  • Faith and different religions, the backbone of civilizations, are losing their roots and values.
  • Pragmatism and materialist worldviews are leading to a decline in religious values/practices.
  • Practising mindfulness, questioning the premise of life, reconnecting with nature, reducing screen-on time, reading the best fiction literature, cultivating curiosity through philosophy, art, and science, seeking out the unknown, and learning about various religions can help regain a sense of awe.

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